The Red Queen
The below account is slightly fictionalized for dramatic effect.
It was a dark and stormy 1 April night when I heard the distinct ping of a message on LinkedIn. “Who could that be at this hour?“ I thought to myself.
Opening my inbox, I saw a note from a man I didn't know. It didn't seem like an April Fools prank - he was connected to people I knew were legitimate project management professionals. Bravely reading onward, I became increasingly, some might say ridiculously, excited. It was an invitation to contribute to an Author's Challenge on delivering project solutions in a post-pandemic world. The book would be written by thought leaders from across the world and published within a month.
I put down my phone and stroked my beard thoughtfully. Inspiration struck to the peal of thunder and I began laughing maniacally. I knew how to bring my creation to life. I grabbed my laptop and frantically began to stitch together my thoughts.
A month later, I am seeing my Red Queen, among the 29 other creatures from global contributors, spring to life in the pages of Obi Omiregie's book Mastering Solution Delivery.
To say I'm proud would be an understatement. I'm ecstatic and humbled to see my piece amongst so many other brilliant contributions to my chosen field.
I implore you to purchase a copy. While I don't receive any financial benefit, you'll be supporting me and my work of creating more inclusive teams.